Day 3

Over the last two days we have talked about preparation during this Advent season. Today, we will talk a bit about the "how" of that preparation. Again, it is important for us to turn to the hymns of the Church to find the answer. The hymnography of the Church speak to us about the things we should avoid: idleness,  sleepiness, vile words, passions; and the things we should strive for: good action, good works, tears, confession.

Just as during Great Lent, the idea of repentance flows through all of the hymns of the Advent season. Why? Simply because the fruit of repentance, that is, the things that repentance brings out in us, are love, forgiveness, peace and unity.

Archimandrite Vassilios tells us that we are to prepare with "faith and works, with contemplation and action, with prayer and charity" We can see this clearly in the parable of the talents in the Gospel of Matthew. We must be like the two servants who took the talents given them and multiplied them. If we practice those ideas set forth above, we most certainly will. However, if we let the worldly nature of the "Holiday" outweigh the spiritual nature of the "Holy Day", then we will be like the servant who buried his talent.

As we read, it is not enough to celebrate Christmas, we need to be changed by this season and shaped by what we are celebrating. This Advent season is all about changing our lives and opening the gates of repentance so that we can become that cave, that place where the Christ child will be born.

"Instead of gold, we offer charity; instead of frankincense, prayer; instead of myrrh, repentance."

What will you offer these 40 days?

In Christ
Fr. David